
AVA’s Volunteer Centre is a major source for agencies seeking volunteers in the district. Working through personal contact with both volunteers and groups, and through our online recruitment pages, we support the work of a wide range of charities and groups in the district. A vibrant volunteering culture brings immense benefits to a community, and to both to the volunteer and to the organization or cause that they are supporting.

Here are some examples of the ways in which volunteering can be beneficial:

  • Personal growth and development: Volunteering can help individuals develop new skills, gain experience in a particular field, and build their self-confidence. It can also be a great way to learn more about oneself and what one is passionate about.
  • Social connections: Volunteering can provide an opportunity to meet new people and make new friends, especially if it is done as part of a group. It can also be a way to strengthen existing relationships, as people often bond while working together towards a common goal.
  • Improved mental and physical health: Volunteering has been shown to have a number of positive effects on mental health, including reducing stress and depression, and increasing feelings of purpose and self-esteem. It can also be physically rewarding, as many volunteering activities involve physical activity.
  • Giving back to the community: Volunteering allows individuals to contribute to their community and make a positive impact on the lives of others. It can be a very fulfilling experience to know that one is helping to make a difference.
  • Career advancement: Volunteering can provide valuable experience and skills that can be useful in a future job or career. It can also be a way to build a professional network and make connections in a particular field.