about AVA

We are the local agency which supports charities and groups of all types and sizes in Adur, working in all parts of the district. Since 1959, AVA has been the voluntary sector infrastructure development agency for the area. Our overall charitable aim is to “promote any charitable purpose for the benefit of the community in Adur”.

Close links with, and knowledge of, our community uniquely equips us to provide support to a wide range of voluntary activities in Adur. We provide grant and funding advice, recruit volunteers and signpost to other networks that can support an organisation’s growth journey.

We are a member of NAVCA (National Association for Voluntary and Community Action) which is the umbrella body for local infrastructure development agencies, and lobbies central government on matters relevant to the sector. NAVCA’s broad stands of activity are volunteering, supporting and networking.

Another of our key roles is community development, which involves working with individuals, groups and organisations of all kinds. It means bringing people together to recognise shared needs and working to ensure these are met. AVA’s close links with its community means that we fully understand the issues facing the district’s voluntary sector, and have developed, or can develop, appropriate contacts to assist with its development.

Adur Voluntary Action is here to meet your needs – an approachable, useful resource. To keep in touch with what is happening at AVA, and what is happening in the voluntary sector more generally in your area, you can subscribe to our monthly newsletter, Adur Voice.